Advanced Study Monoscene w/ Sergio Cilli (Sundays)

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Advanced Study: MONOSCENE
Sergio Cilli
DAY / TIME: SUNDAYS 11 - 1:30 pm 2.5hrs
DATE RANGE: 6 weeks. 4/28, 5/5, 5/12, 6/2, 6/9, 6/16 *skip 5/19 & 5/26
1006 SE Hawthorne Portland OR 97214
PREREQUISITE: Pre-requisite Level 4 at Kickstand
CLASS SHOW: Sunday 6/16 *subject to change


This 6-week advanced study class focuses on learning and practicing the improv form known as the Monoscene. The Monoscene is an improvised format that has no edits, never changes locations, and has each of the improvisers playing only one character throughout the entire format. Students will work on 'slow playing' a scene, making dynamic relationship choices, establishing a rich and believable environment, creating sustainable characters, and building momentum throughout the entirety of the format.


Enrollment Info:

The safety of our community is at the heart of everything we do. Before enrolling in this class, please make sure to read through the important policies below so we can keep our community, staff, and students as safe as possible.