Level 2 Improv - Advanced Scene Work w/ Justin Himes (Tuesdays)

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LEVEL 2 IMPROV Advanced Scene Work & Finding Your Comedic Voice
Justin Himes
DAY / TIME: TUESDAYS 6:30 - 8:30 PM
DATE RANGE: 8 weeks. 4/23, 4/30, 5/7, 5/14, 5/21, 5/28, 6/4, 6/11
LOCATION: 1006 SE Hawthorne Blvd, Portland, OR 97214
PREREQUISITE: Kickstand Level 1 or any previous long-form experience with the approval of the Educational Programs Manager

Now that you’ve been set up with the tools for successful scene work, it’s time to strengthen those skills and hone your comedic voice. Level Two will reinforce, revisit, and add nuance to your play,  add strong character techniques, explore the concept of justification, and provide a foundational understanding of UCB-style "game-of-the-scene". We will work on recognizing the first unusual or interesting thing that emerges, to build collaborative honest scenes that highlight what you and your scene partner find funny,  avoiding tropes and caricatures.  Students with any previous long-form improv experience are welcome to register for this class.


Enrollment Info:

The safety of our community is at the heart of everything we do. Before enrolling in this class, please make sure to read through the important policies below so we can keep our community, staff, and students as safe as possible.