Craig McCarty


Craig is an improvisor, and teacher in the fair city of Portland Oregon. He enjoys game nights with small groups of friends and is a fan of Dr. Who.

Craig started improvising in 1999 with CSZ Portland, and he’s been performing teaching and coaching ever since. He also Trained and performed at IO Chicago, plus The Annoyance Theater intensives.  He has been Teaching performing and training with Kickstand Comedy since 2017 and can be found performing in various projects with Kickstand Comedy and around town.

He has performed with Mondo at the Stumptown Improv festival and Westside Comedy Festival as well as Peachy Chicken at The Stumptown Improv Festival.

Craig gets as much out of performing as teaching and is looking forward to seeing what new voices and exciting entertainment the future of the Improv community in Portland brings!


Cimberly Nickell


Roland Mechanik